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Hello e-nthusiast, welcome to Cruiser * Racer. I'm RebelLion of the Electron Rebel MBC. This blog shares with you my love for electric bicycle technology. This Blog is dedicated to builders who found it hard to find solid information on the dynamics of building a DIY e-Bike. As a builder, I learned a few lessons along the way. I want to share the lesson I've learned with you. My hope is to build a community of like-minded e-nthusiast who share information to help others better understand the dynamics that can't be found across the wire.

Cruiser * Racer

Monday, December 28, 2020

e-Bike Hub Motors


Bike Talk v.004 🚲

How It All Began

The Electric Hub Motor, the very invention that has sparked my enthusiasm for bike riding. The bicycle was invented around 1820, the original was a chain-drive model and it probably traveled at speeds of 3-5 mph. Being that bicycles have been around for about 200 years one thing that has me scratching my head is, why motorized bicycles are only becoming more popular in recent years?


Why has an invention that has a history of 200 years finally becoming more technical in a world driven by technology?


The fact of the matter is motorized bikes have been at play all along. Another fact, the electric bicycle was the first patent in the US in 1890. Ogden Bolton Jr. patents the first battery-powered bicycle with 6-pole brush-and-commutator direct current (DC). The patent design was a hub motor mounted in the rear wheel, which had no gears but could draw up to 100 Ah from a 10-volt battery.


Bolton helped pioneer the way toward the future of transportation. Bolton’s patent occurred several years after Karl Benz. Benz patented the three-wheel Motor Car in 1886 which he called the “Motorwagen”. In 1897, Hosea W. Libbey a Boston inventor built the first electric bicycle that was propelled by a "double electric motor". The motor was a hub on the crankset axle or hub motor, and it was later imitated in the late 1990s by Giant Lafree e-bikes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_bicycle


Once again, 1890-1990 is 100 years. I’m left wondering why this technology hadn’t been a staple on all bicycles manufactured in the 20th century. Electric bikes could be another one of those ground-breaking advances that helped move a nation forward just as the automobile had in the 1930s. Yet, I am expressing my disappointment in the US again for not aggressively developing this technology as Asian countries have.


All Roads Lead To

Please understand, I RebelLion, am not opposed to Asian countries leading the world of manufacturing, I’m grateful. Some great products are coming from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and many other places in the region. When one country fails to pioneer the way of a certain technology another step in and pushes it forward. Today electric bicycles are mainly manufactured in Asia and moderately manufactured in Europe, although there are some north American producers but, not enough to compete with the international markets.


born_2_roam managed to comprise a list of a dozen hub motor manufacturers as a continuation of our Two-wheel electric series, we wanted to provide more resources for builders such as ourselves looking for the parts to complete their masterpiece. Below you’ll find information on electric hub motors manufactured around the world, starting with:


FlyKly has a patented technology they call Zehus, Zehus is an all-in-one motor that has a range from 20 to 25 mph and can assist you up 15 miles. The motor has 250 W of torque and is powered by lithium batteries. FlyKly has an available app, The Bitride, functional for both Android and iOS. The app connects directly to the computer of your Smart Wheel and gives the rider a full range of the cycle's maximum speed, battery level, and kick range. http://www.flykly.com/smart-wheel-cat.html


Switch Bike

The Swytch Kit is an easy convenient way to convert any bike into an E-Bike. The Swytch Power Pack is equipped with up to a 250Wh lithium-ion cell battery connected to a sine wave brushless motor controller. It will last you up to 30miles on one charge, and charges in as little as 3 hours.




BMC V2, V3, V4 are top-quality geared hub motors with 600w to 2500 watts of torque. The BMC is a larger geared hub motor, purposely designed to distribute the power-to-weight ratio. Making the BMC motor as or more efficient than a gearless mid-drive motor.  https://www.electricbike.com/bmc-hub-motor-review/


MAC Motor

Also known as the (BMC clone),  similar but not as high quality. The motor provides 30 mph and with a higher quality controller and battery, the max speed can be approximately 35-40 mph. With a motor with 35-40 mph, you can easily hill climb with over 1000W output power at 48V. http://www.macmotortech.com/ebike-motor.html


Dapu Hub Motor

Straight to the point, Dupu is a powerful motor. Small, wide, and puts out a maximum of 750 watts. Made in Japan,  Dupu has been manufacturing and delivering electric bicycle components worldwide for over 10 years. http://www.dapumotors.com/Goods/index.html?t=en-us



Crystalyte’s H-Series hub motors are direct drive and weigh approximately 16 pounds. Dubbed to be a match for multipurpose hub motors. The H-Series cranks out 15-25 mph, motors are designed to handle 36V, 48V, 72V, and 96V of battery power. http://www.crystalyte.com/h35%20series.htm




Bafang is known as one of the world’s leading manufactures in the electric bike industry. Bafang builds component and complete direct drive systems and these parts are used by other manufactures around the world. Bafangs’ has both a front and rear motor in the H-Series hub motors. The motors are extremely lightweight, the front hub has 250W power. The rear motor has a 250W and 500W option, Bafang produces highly efficient components and motors with a travel range up to 20-30 miles.



9-Continents (9C)

9C has a gearless brushless motor and it is a powerful one weighing around 15 pounds. At 48V direct drive, rear hub motor, a 7 to 9-speed cassette, 25 Amp regen capable Infineon controller, Throttle Control, wiring accessories, and a Cycle Analyst Version 2.23 Display. Your money is well spent with this kit and it is a great buy for those who custom tailor e-bike builds. 9C offers three options to choose from, all can be purchased with or without the rim assembly. The motors are fitted for 20", 24", 26" and 700c rims. http://www.realelectricbikes.com/6b11_Rear_Nine_Continent_DD_Cycle_Analyst_V2_e-bike_motor_kit_BASIC.html



BionX is a no-name kit and in Asia, some of the best products are no name. To the west all of the products are pretty much no name, full disclosure when dealing with no-name brands, replacement parts will be hard to find. The motors have 250, 350, and 500W configurations hub motor, available in 20″, 24″, 26″ and 700c rim. The kit includes a lithium-ion battery, handlebar-mounted control unit, cool throttle, battery charger, and weighs 19.4 lbs. https://www.electricbike.com/bionx/


BPM Hub Motor

Geared hub motor at 500 watts specially designed for normal Electric bicycle conversion with very higher torque!! http://www.qs-motor.com/product/500w-bpm-geared-electric-bicycle-rear-drive-hub- motor/#tab-description


Golden Motor: Magic Pie

A Brushless gearless hub motor that is maintenance-free. Built-in controller for regen-braking and cruise control. Magic Pie is a complete conversion kit the motor has 24V-48V battery power, a 250W – 1000W motor, and a range of 12-30 mph. 



Truckrun Motor

Truckrun has a front and rear hub option, the front hub is limited to a 36V, 150W, 12 mph lightweight motor. The rear hub is a 36V-48V, 350W-500W, 25 mph eleven-pound motor. What’s great about Truckrun Motor, they are a one-stop service for their customers. Providing many different E-Bike motors, E-Bike controllers and displays, E-Bike spare parts, E-Bike batteries, E-Bike conversion kits, and electric bicycles.




Cute Motor

There isn’t much information on the web about Cute Motor, the information available does explain it as a 5 lbs motor with a capacity of running 800 watts of power.



This wide world of electric power transportation is just starting to light up!! Now all that’s left is for the west to catch up!

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