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Hello e-nthusiast, welcome to Cruiser * Racer. I'm RebelLion of the Electron Rebel MBC. This blog shares with you my love for electric bicycle technology. This Blog is dedicated to builders who found it hard to find solid information on the dynamics of building a DIY e-Bike. As a builder, I learned a few lessons along the way. I want to share the lesson I've learned with you. My hope is to build a community of like-minded e-nthusiast who share information to help others better understand the dynamics that can't be found across the wire.

Cruiser * Racer

Monday, May 17, 2021

Electric Bike Technologies

 Bike Talk v.021 🚲

Electric Bike Kit System is a conversion kit distributed in the United States! I am excited about this brand because it shows the US is producing.


My experience with building e-bikes has primarily been with Chinese motors. I have no problem with the Chinese motors, I think they have great technology. I only want to see more products in the US because, well let's face it, it's convenient.


The kits are produced by Electric Bike Technologies, the company produces electric hub-drives for Trikes, and Special Mobility bikes as well. Motors range from 500W-1000W.


Electric Bike Kits are sold at partner stores and online. If you Google the brand, you'll find partner stores in your area.


The online store, however; has much more as to be expected. The online store has batteries, components, and accessories. The kits range from $280, for a wheel only to $1,070 for a full kit.


There is a price disclaimer however, the Electric Bike Kit System is much more expensive than the Chinese kits. A wheel, controller, throttle, and brake levers from Amazon or eBay will cost anywhere from $280-350. While a wheel only, will cost $280 from the Electric Bike Kit System.



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