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Hello e-nthusiast, welcome to Cruiser * Racer. I'm RebelLion of the Electron Rebel MBC. This blog shares with you my love for electric bicycle technology. This Blog is dedicated to builders who found it hard to find solid information on the dynamics of building a DIY e-Bike. As a builder, I learned a few lessons along the way. I want to share the lesson I've learned with you. My hope is to build a community of like-minded e-nthusiast who share information to help others better understand the dynamics that can't be found across the wire.

Cruiser * Racer

Monday, March 1, 2021

Newsletter #2

Hello E-nthusiast,
 Welcome to March! We hope your February was positive and productive. As for the Cruiser*Racer team, the month of February was monumental. 



Progress Report


Last month, we launched a new show on our YouTube Channel, the Bike Talk Vlog. Much like the blog we answer questions surrounding e-bike technology and introduce new technology. We also show a peek into our daily routine and the advancement of our growing brand.


The vlog is quite personal and it's a genuine attempt to invite you all into the world of Cruiser*Racer and the Electron Rebels BC. So, if you haven’t already checked out the channel, do so as soon as you're done reading this letter!




Go Explore


In other news, February was also a big month of exploration. At the end of January, we began Exploring Trails taking Friday Cruising of road. The adventure was exhilarating! Since that initial jump off-road we have explored two more trails and you are welcome to explore them with us. Just head on over to the channel as soon as you're done reading this letter!


What I learned from exploring my greater backyard? All the time I spent in my car kept me from getting to know my city in full color. When a person is traveling too fast, they miss the whole purpose of the trip. All of the places I've explored lately are in my local area, and if I have such bounty at my fingertips, I can only imagine what lies just beyond.


What I'm trying to say is, explore your city, town, or local area! I'm grateful and very fortunate to live in a wilderness state. I truly appreciate the Park & Recreations, and Forest Care systems that have been established in this state. If you live in a place that has such a phenomenal system I advise you to take advantage of it as well.


Explore Your Greater Backyard!



Production Trails


We are learning with every new project what kind of equipment or tools will allow us to put out the best content. Just as we began gaining momentum within our workflow last month, we began having problems with storing footage with our devices. Because we were unable to figure out the issues we wound up losing precious time and some great footage that could have been valuable to the platform.


So, what did we learn? We learned the value of having quality equipment and tools for the job allows us to do it efficiently the first time around. As for having the right equipment for the job, we will be improving our tools soon. Tools that will allow us to scale our production quality, providing you with the best content on the subject.



Moving Forward


As we roll into March, we're looking forward to daylight savings. Longer days are what I live for in the PNW. That means more time to ride on longer warmer days!



Friday Cruising


One of our goals this month will be to rent a van, head out to a distant location, and hope on a trail that we've never explored, for the day. As much as I love the city that I live in, it's unfortunate the public transportation is inefficient. Between certain hours of the day, the train does not run and the buses are routed, which hints why I'd rather rent a van to do distant adventures.



Bike Talk Vlog


In the Builder's Corner, we'll be narrowing in on the bike frame that will be used for our 2021 Cruiser build. I'll talk about the ideas that we have for the materials and style of the build. Defiantly looking forward to doing this project.


Also, we will have a great talk about electric bike gear. In this segment, I'll be addressing the necessary reasons riders should consider using more adaptive gear when operating an electric bike. Taking some time to focus on important items that can help keep us safe on the roads as well as from the weather.


It's going to be yet another progressive and productive month, LET’S GET IT ON!


Ride Easy! 


Behind The Brand Series