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Hello e-nthusiast, welcome to Cruiser * Racer. I'm RebelLion of the Electron Rebel MBC. This blog shares with you my love for electric bicycle technology. This Blog is dedicated to builders who found it hard to find solid information on the dynamics of building a DIY e-Bike. As a builder, I learned a few lessons along the way. I want to share the lesson I've learned with you. My hope is to build a community of like-minded e-nthusiast who share information to help others better understand the dynamics that can't be found across the wire.

Cruiser * Racer

Monday, December 21, 2020

4 D.I.Y. Bike Building Options

 Bike Talk v.003 🚲

Build It Right

I had a fun experience building my first electric bike. I was not confident building on my own the first time around. I am surely confident that I will continue to improve the build as time progresses. If I could do it over again, which I plan on when I begin to build an electric Racer, I would do it properly with my new knowledge. 

I spent six months researching bike manufacturers in the states and abroad. Because I have been diligently looking to acquire a cruiser bike frame, I was able to find a few companies that make frames and parts. Also, a 3D Printer that has been used by other builders to create special parts to build it properly the first time around. If you're interested in building an electric cruiser or racer, here are a few places to check first. Good luck, may the source be with you!









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