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Hello e-nthusiast, welcome to Cruiser * Racer. I'm RebelLion of the Electron Rebel MBC. This blog shares with you my love for electric bicycle technology. This Blog is dedicated to builders who found it hard to find solid information on the dynamics of building a DIY e-Bike. As a builder, I learned a few lessons along the way. I want to share the lesson I've learned with you. My hope is to build a community of like-minded e-nthusiast who share information to help others better understand the dynamics that can't be found across the wire.

Cruiser * Racer

Monday, April 5, 2021

Newsletter #3


Hello Rebels,


Welcome to April! We hope your March was positive and productive. As for the Cruiser*Racer team, the month of March was a success.



Progress Report


As promised, we narrowed in on bike fame. However, as the spring began to roll in so did the demand for bicycles. Just as the year prior, the demand for bikes is still very high. Unfortunately, the bike that we thought was the best fit; became unavailable.


However, during a trip to our local bike shop, we found a frame that caught our attention. After serious eye f**king this frame for twenty minutes, I had to hop on to see how it felt.


What I like most about the bike were the tires. Although pretty dusty, the tires are in great shape. With a deep cleaning and some treatment, they will POP! when people see the bike rolling.


The bike is used and that saved us a few hundred dollars. At this time we are currently inspecting the bike and checking to see if all the changes that we intend to make are compatible with this frame.


So, stay tuned for more updates. What we are looking to do so far is, change the entire steering column. This will be the first task because this bike (Smoke Racer) is going to be for extreme roading.



Productions Trials


Production in March was much better, although we haven't quite fixed our camera lighting or audio issues. Improvements are in line for May, we'll be investing in some microphones and lighting for the Bike Talk Vlog and Builder's Corner segments. These additions will greatly improve the video quality.


March was also full of unpredictable weather. It was a challenge getting all the content produced in February and March due to the colder weather.


We learned a great deal about fall and winter gear preparation this season. Next fall and winter we expect to be completely prepared to conquer winter cycling.



Moving Forward


As we roll into spring and summer, we'll begin to focus on further improving the ride for Ghost Cruiser. We'll also begin the build on Smoke Racer, our new addition to the Cruiser*Racer brand.



Bike Talk Vlog


This month in the builders' corner, we'll talk in great detail about the issues and problems that are occurring during the build of Smoke Racer. Well also talk more about e-bike batteries and how this technology be can improve e-bike motors.



Friday Cruising


Lastly, as the weather warms across the western hemisphere, and we look forward to longer, warmer riding days. We expect to find more parks, trails, and lakes to explore.


There is however a challenge that we are learning to work around, which will allow us to go on longer and more eventful adventures. Currently, we're lacking access to a truck or van, which will get us further away from our area to explore newer terrain.


We're looking into daily rentals but, found that it wasn't conducive to our budget. Nevertheless, we'll continue cruising and exploring new destinations within our reach. While staying mindful and open to opportunities that may arrive to improve our distant transportation problem.



Overall, we are extremely happy to keep pressing forward on our goals and duties to all you Rebel E-Riders out there who support this brand, channel, and platform. We will continue to provide the best content and informative information concerning the electric transportation and e-bike industry.


That is our promise!


So, until next month remember to stay safe and Ride Easy!

Behind The Brand Series