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Hello e-nthusiast, welcome to Cruiser * Racer. I'm RebelLion of the Electron Rebel MBC. This blog shares with you my love for electric bicycle technology. This Blog is dedicated to builders who found it hard to find solid information on the dynamics of building a DIY e-Bike. As a builder, I learned a few lessons along the way. I want to share the lesson I've learned with you. My hope is to build a community of like-minded e-nthusiast who share information to help others better understand the dynamics that can't be found across the wire.

Cruiser * Racer

Monday, April 19, 2021

FlyKly by Zehus, Hub Conversion Kit

 Bike Talk v.017 🚲

As the electric bike industry grows, I am continually delighted with the advances in the Hub motor. I've ranted in the past how the hub motor and battery are due for a technology update. The weight of both electric components makes the bike heavier.


If I had the knowledge and more experience as to how these two components functioned, I'd build a wheel just like the FlyKly by Zehus e-bike.


The FlyKly wheel is much like the UrbanX wheel. These are two brands from a growing trend of All-In-One hub motor conversions that the west will coin as Smart Hubs.


This is super news for the e-bike industry, as it means the pendulum is swinging. The western countries are pushing toward producing components that will aid the electric industry as a whole and I see that as cooperation.


So, what's so great about the FlyKly Smart Hub?


Well, let's start with how extremely easy to set up. This well will allow you to transform any regular bike into a pedal-assist e-bike in less than 5 minutes.


Essentially all you'd have to do is set it up, connect to the smartphone app and you're ready to ride! The Bitride app can be found on the iOS and Android app stores. It connects directly to the engine of the Smart Wheel allowing full control of the motor's maximum speed, battery level, and kick range.


The Smart Hub is responsive to the rider's every move. The innovative built-in controller uses a regenerative braking system through backpedaling to lessen the amount of power used. Which allows the rider to ride further on a single charge.




Battery Life Cycle:

100,000 charges or 2-5 years



18 - 25 miles per charge


Charge Time:

2 hours fully charged



250W Hub Motor, 15MPH


The Zehus FlyKly wheel isn't as beefy as a Bafang 750W or a Chinese generic 1000W motor, but what makes this Smart Wheel a great component is the longevity of the battery life. The 100,000 charges or 2-5 year life span is the longest I've seen so far.


Also, because it only takes two hours to fully charge you could potentially ride for most of the day.


Luckily, the Zehus brand didn't limit the FlyKly technology to hub motors only. Zehus has incorporated the smart wheel with its brand of bikes and scooters. Zehus offers the Smart Hub in three sizes, 20", 26", and 28". You can also buy the technology attached to a Zehus Smart Ped, or Smart Bike.

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